Korean Women – why dating is so important for them?

Updated on Jul 2023

Ladies from the Korean peninsula are considered to be particularly sought-after women in Asia. Korean mail order wives are not only pretty but also fashion-conscious and modern. Korean girls for marriage are loyal souls and absolute family people. The enormous self-confidence of these women, whether at work or in general life situations, is quite well-known too.

Almost half of the population of this small country in East Asia is female. Many of these ladies are still single and quite open to dating foreign bachelors. However, Korea is in many ways different from other Asian countries. Learning about the country’s specifics is key to successful dating.

Major cities to meet Korean womenSeoul, Busan, Daegu, Ulsan
Trusted dating websites to meet Korean womenEasternHoneys, Asian Melodies, LoverWhirl
Fertility rate in South Korea0.84 births per woman
The percentage of female population in South Korea49.95%
Life expectancy of Korean women83.83 years

Are Mail Order Brides from Korea the New Trend?

Infatuation with these brides is a modern phenomenon. It’s about a combination of looks that remind us of porcelain dolls and traditional family values. One of the most widely held views is that many Korean brides would be better lovers than other Asian ladies. Apart from that, here are some of the top reasons why white men like South Korean women.


Many western men are attracted to beautiful Korean women for their exotic beauty. Porcelain skin, almond-shaped eyes, silky-smooth black hair, and a petite build seem to be standard for Korean beauties. It’s not that there’s a lack of beautiful women in the West. But many people believe that sexy Korean women are better at taking care of their appearance. Another remarkable thing about these women is that these beautiful mail order brides seem to know the secret of eternal youth. It’s not uncommon for 30-year-old Korean girls to still look like teenagers.

Korean Women


The concept of respect for your partner and spouse seems to be dwindling in western culture. People seem to be more self-centered. It’s not uncommon to see a western couple argue in public without thinking about how embarrassing that is. One of the reasons foreign men like beautiful Korean women is that local women still believe that men should be respected and never humiliated, especially in public. Many Korean girls would prefer to discuss differences in private.


Like most Asian brides, these women learn to be supportive of their partners from an early age. Whatever goals you pursue in your life, a Korean mail order bride will support and motivate you as much as she can. Many men tend to find this trait a breath of fresh air when compared to western women who tend to be more pragmatic.

Even Temper

Most Korean women are just much more even-tempered and calm than western women. It’s not that Korean girls for marriage never get angry. Hot Korean women just won’t make a scene when they do. You definitely won’t see them yelling or throwing things at you. Maybe it’s about the influence of Buddhism but the fact is a typical Korean mail order bride would prefer to discuss things privately and calmly.

Traditional Family Values

Like many other Asian ladies, these women value family bonds above all. There are a few things Korean wives won’t do to ensure their family’s well-being. Combine this with the deepest respect for their partners, and you’ll get a Korean mail order bride who is a perfect Korean wife, mother, and homemaker.

korean brides

Asian Women Profiles

Fang 25 y.o.
Yui 28 y.o.
Sakura 29 y.o.
Himari 26 y.o.
Social worker
Xiu 25 y.o.
Min 28 y.o.
Ichika 25 y.o.
Bora 29 y.o.
School teacher
Fang 21 y.o.
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Korean Women Marrying Foreign Men: Statistics

For many years, Korea had been a rather culturally isolated country. There was a strong tradition of Koreans marrying Koreans and international marriages were frowned upon. This tradition is still quite strong today but things began to change in 2018. The number of Korean women marrying foreign men went up significantly.
Here are some interesting statistics on Korean women/foreign men marriages:

  • In 2018, over 9% of all marriages were international. The number was incredibly high compared with the previous years.
  • Statistics show that the most popular choice among Korean women is Chinese men (almost 9.5% of all international marriages). They are closely followed by Americans: over 6% of all international marriages in Korea are these brides marrying US citizens.
  • It’s interesting that according to statistics, Korean mail order brides are often older than their foreign spouses.

How Much Do Korean Mail Order Brides Cost?

You can’t put a price tag on a loving relationship with these brides. When the goal is to meet a caring, reliable Korean wife, prices are not what people think of first of all. However, it would be wrong not to do your research in advance. It’s no secret that bringing a Korean mail order bride home might be expensive. You should be prepared for it.
This is why we decided to help you by discussing the average costs you might have to deal with. Please keep in mind that costs may vary based on your budget and preferences. What you find below is an approximate estimation to give you a general idea about what you should expect if you want to marry a Korean girl.

How Much Does It Cost to Get Married in Korea?

To estimate the costs of a wedding ceremony in South Korea, you have to take multiple factors into account. A wedding in the capital, Seoul, will be much more costly than in a smaller town. The choice of venue and the number of guests matter as well.
Some wedding prices can go up to $100.000 or even $200.000 here! But this doesn’t mean that you can’t have a less costly wedding. Here are some average prices for a mid-range wedding for 100 guests in South Korea:

Food$3,000 ($30 per person)
Wedding attire and accessories$2,500
Wedding rings$600
Miscellaneous (gifts, hotel accommodation for relatives, etc.)$2,000-3,000
Overall price:$12,600-13,600

Real Prices to Order Korean Brides on Dating Sites

When it comes to international dating sites, price ranges here are more or less the same. There are services that operate worldwide. They offer the opportunity to connect with mail order brides from any place in the world. There are also regional services that specifically cater to those who want to find a potential Korean wife.

Most of these Asian dating sites are paid services. You can sign up for a free account but your ability to send messages to Korean brides will be very limited unless you subscribe for a premium membership. This membership gives you full access to all the features on mail order bride sites.
Premium membership on a dating service will cost you from $160 to $370 a year. This price usually includes not only messaging but other features that increase the visibility of your profile.

When it comes to the cost of Korean mail order brides, you have to remember that South Korea is one of the most expensive Asian countries. The prices above are to give you some understanding of what to expect. However, keep in mind that there can be additional costs that make the entire experience more expensive.

According to our estimation, you’ll have to spend at least $13.000 on a mid-range wedding in Seoul. By adding the price of online dating Korean brides, it’s possible to say that the overall experience will cost about $14.000.

korean girl

Success story from Asian women

Success Story #1 Image
Eric 💞 Lutatia AsianMelodies logo
When Eric found Lutatia on the dating platform, he had no idea that she would be from Latin America. He had always thought his wife would be from a more traditional European country, but he decided to give Latin America a try. After all, he had never been there before.
Success Story #2 Image
Kyel 💞 Floria TheLuckyDate Asian logo
Kyel and Floria matched on a dating platform and started chatting. They hit it off right away and decided to meet up. When they finally met, they were both surprised at how good looking the other was. They went out on a few dates and everything was going great. Kyel loved how passionate Floria was about life and she loved how romantic Kyel was.
Success Story #3 Image
Xio 💞 Richard EasternHoneys logo
Richard was a successful businessman who had everything he could ever want, except for love. He had tried every traditional dating method, but he always seemed to end up with the wrong type of woman. He was about to give up hope when he decided to give online dating a try. He found a site that seemed promising and created a profile. It wasn't long before he received a message from a woman named Xio. She was beautiful, intelligent, and successful in her own right. They hit it off immediately and began dating. Within months, they were both head over heels in love. They got married and are now living happily ever after. Thanks to online dating, Richard finally found the love of his life.
Success Story #4 Image
William 💞 Min AsianMelodies logo
William had been single for a while and was growing tired of the bar scene. One night, on a whim, he decided to sign up for an online dating site. He wasn't expecting much, but he figured it would be worth a shot. He didn't have any trouble creating his profile, and he was soon bombarded with messages from interested women. One in particular caught his eye: her name was Min, and she was stunning. They began messaging each other and quickly realized they had a lot in common. They arranged to meet up for coffee, and the rest was history. They hit it off right away and have been together ever since. Thanks to that fateful meeting on an online dating site, William and Min are now happily married with two kids.
Success Story #5 Image
Brian 💞 Ji-an AsianMelodies logo
Owner of a retail chain, Brian barely had time for anything else but work. That’s because he joined an international dating service to meet Korean brides online: finding a soulmate in his area seemed almost impossible. He wasn’t specifically looking for Korean ladies but when he saw Ji-an’s photos, he knew he had to know this beautiful Korean woman. He admits that Ji-an was the sweetest, nicest person he ever knew. Very soon, he couldn’t imagine his life without talking to her and that’s when he realized he had to meet her in person! The couple had to go through many difficulties related to preparing a fiancé visa for the Korean bride and bringing Ji-an to the US. But it’s history now: they’ve been married for two years and have a cute baby son.
Success Story #6 Image
Richard 💞 Ha-yoon EasternHoneys logo
Asian culture always fascinated Richard. When he was a child, he spent a few years in South Korea with his father, a military officer. He loved the country and friendly Korean people and knew he had to go back one day. And he did - and was lucky enough to meet lovely Ha-yoon who was then a student. The couple felt special chemistry from the very first meeting and after Richard went back home, they started talking to each other via a Korean dating site and soon realized they can’t be apart! This was a life-changing decision for Richard: he decided to relocate to Korea to be with his Korean bride Ha-yoon. Richard and his life partner have been happily married for four years now and have two beautiful kids.

Marry A Mail Order Bride From Korea Legally

Is it possible to marry a Korean woman legally? Yes, of course, it is. You just have to know what kind of documents to prepare in order to do that.

To get married with your Korean mail order bride in Korea, you must present a series of documents you’ll have to obtain before leaving for Korea. To avoid problems, it’s best to bring documents that have been recently issued.

Papers You’ll Need

Our recommendation is to start collecting all of these papers at least one month in advance of your trip. Note that below is a list of documents that may be required, but it doesn’t mean that you have to submit all of them. When in doubt, it’s best to bring all the papers listed to make sure everything goes smoothly.

  • Basic Birth Certificate. This can be obtained at the civil registry office.
  • International Birth Certificate. This is a birth certificate issued in several languages.
  • Marital status certificate. This is also requested at the corresponding civil registry office.
  • Passport.

All of these documents have to be properly apostilled. This means that they have to be translated into Korean and certified by a notary.

Papers Your Korean Mail order Bride Will Need

There’s also a number of documents that will be required from Korean brides:

  • Birth certificate. Must include both Korean parents’ names. It can be obtained from a district municipality or from a local office.
  • Family record.
  • Marital status certificate.
  • Passport.

Getting a Marriage Permit

Once all the documents are ready, you’ll have to get a marriage permit at your country’s Embassy in Korea. For this, you’ll have to follow these few steps:

  • Submit all the required documents (both yours and your Korean girls);
  • Fill in the standard forms;
  • Go through an interview. Both you and your future South Korean wife will have to go through an interview. This is to make sure it’s not a marriage of convenience.
  • Pay the fee.
  • Receive the Affidavit of Eligibility for Marriage.

After that is done, you can apply for marriage registration at the local registry office.

korean bride online

Pros and Cons of Marrying a South Korean Woman

Every coin has two sides. While there are many great advantages to marrying a Korean woman, there are a number of downsides as well. These are the things you should carefully consider before planning to marry a Korean woman.


There are lots of qualities that make a potential South Korean wife stand out in the most positive way. Here are some of them.

  • Beauty and elegance. Korean girls pay a lot of attention to their appearance. The beauty standard is porcelain skin, large eyes, and a slender figure. Korean women for marriage are fashion-conscious and put a lot of effort into looking flawless.
  • Friendliness and open-mindedness. You’ll find that many Korean mail order brides happily make new acquaintances. Mail order Korean brides just enjoy novelty in their lives, whether it’s about traveling to new places or dating foreign men.
  • Great personality. What makes a typical Korean wife special is a combination of their outward and inner beauty. Local women are incredibly charming, smart, and kind-hearted.
  • Wonderful homemakers. South Korea is a modern developed country and Korean girls enjoy being empowered and independent. At the same time, a typical Korean woman also enjoys being a housewife and making her home as comfortable as possible. This included tidying up, cooking, and taking care of the children.
  • Love for family. In South Korean society, family is extremely important. Korean brides don’t rush into marriage but prefer to make a responsible decision to get married when these mail order brides are prepared for it. Mail order Korean brides are fully committed to their role as wives and mothers.


And here are some disadvantages to think about.

  • Language barrier. Statistics show that around 20% of Koreans speak some English. The number seems impressive. In reality, however, Korean mail order wives speak very little of the language and get extremely shy when brides from Korea have to talk to foreigners.
  • Cultural differences. South Korea is a modern and in many ways, westernized country. At the same time, cultural differences are distinct. There are many aspects of Korean culture that make these ladies think and act differently.
korean women dating
Lian photo
Lian photo
Location Tokyo
Age 25
Occupation Cosmetologist
Hobbies Anime
English level Upper Intermediate

How to Win Over the Heart of a Korean Girl (Step-by-Step Guide)

Sometimes, winning the heart of a Korean girl that comes from a different culture can be tricky. Don’t worry: it’s far from being impossible! There are just some things you need to know before planning to date a Korean woman.

First of all, there are certain traits you’ll have to develop in order to charm Korean girls:

  • Confidence. This is something that can appeal to almost every Korean bride. Korean ladies like men who are smart, lovable, have a good sense of humor and solid self-esteem. Don’t confuse this with arrogance. A confident man is one who both has a lot of self-respect and respect for others. Best Korean brides feel more secure with a confident man.
  • Passion. It’s not about affection and hot nights spent together. It’s about what you enjoy – your hobbies, studies, or your job. Show your Korean female you are passionate about something. Who knows? Maybe you have a lot in common.
    Fun and positive attitude. Korean brides like optimistic, cheerful men with a positive mindset. Don’t worry: no one will expect you to be a happy-go-lucky guy 24/7. But an Asian girl will appreciate your ability to inspire her and make her smile.
  • Respect. Korean brides appreciate men who respect them but foreign brides will also pay attention to how much respect you show the people around you and your elders. This is an important part of Korean culture.

Once you’ve proved to her that you have all these qualities, it’s likely your lovely Korean date is already charmed. But that’s not all! Here are a few steps to follow to seal the deal.

  • First of all, you should have a sincere interest in the Korean bride. Listen to her, and discuss things that interest her. At the same time, it’s worth talking about yourself sincerely. Just don’t turn it into 2-hour monologues. If you want a serious relationship, learn to listen to her.
  • You need to find out what the girl likes and try to give her an appropriate gift. For example, buying movie tickets to a favorite movie, taking her to her favorite places, etc.
  • To make a Korean girl fall in love with you, you need to show her small signs of attention. Be a perfect gentleman around your Korean bride: open doors for her, give her your jacket if your Korean lady feels cold, etc. These ladies appreciate romantic relationships.
  • Give your Korean bride flowers and gifts. Remember that they shouldn’t be too expensive. They should, however, be meaningful and speak to the personality of Korean women for marriage.
korean women for marriage

Beware Of These 5 Scams When Dating A Korean Women Online

For many people, online dating Korean women is a gift. But where things are booming, rip-offs are often not far away. So that you don’t fall victim to a scammer when looking for a Korean girl online, we have presented the most common scams you might face on dating sites.

Too Good to Be True

If a potential Korean bride or any other Asian woman looks too good to be true, she probably is. Are you talking to someone who looks like a Korean pop star or top model? Is the Korean lady much younger than you but still has strong romantic feelings for you? Most likely, this beautiful Korean woman doesn’t exist and is only there to emotionally manipulate you.

Asking for Your Contacts Outside the Service

Have you just met a Korean bride on one of the foreign dating websites but she’s already eager to talk to you via social media or messenger? This should at least make you very careful. She might have a scam in mind she won’t get away with on reputable dating sites. Best Asian dating sites quickly delete scammer profiles.

Deeply in Love

You’ve just met her on a dating platform and barely know her, you’ve never seen her in person, only on a dating site. And yet the Korean bride seems to be truly, madly, deeply in love with you and wants to marry you as soon as possible. That’s just another kind of cheap emotional manipulation to try and make you do what the scammer wants. Real brides from Korea will never be this forward.

Too Busy to Meet

You are trying to plan a meeting in person but something always comes up that doesn’t allow the potential Korean bride from a dating service to meet you. She might be on a business trip, tending to a sick relative, or having an emergency. In reality, the scammer just invents excuses not to see you in person.

Trouble Magnet

Something always happens to some Korean women dating western bachelors online. She gets into a car accident, has legal troubles, or suddenly becomes very sick. And to solve all these issues, she needs money. This is a massive red flag: never send money to anyone you’ve only met on dating sites.

dating korean women

How to Deal With Culture Shock When Married to a Korean

There are no doubt many advantages to dating someone from a different culture. There’s a good share of novelty, special excitement, and the possibility to learn something new from Korean brides online. But the more exotic your date’s culture is the greater the danger of suffering a culture shock.

This phenomenon is no joke and can seriously hurt romantic relationships. It might make you feel frustrated, annoyed, and uncomfortable.
However, there are a few things you can do to prevent this.

  • Read as much as you can about your Korean wives culture. Pay special attention to traditions, customs, way of life, diet and behavior (such as eating).
  • Ask other foreign bachelors dating Korean brides about their experiences and specifically about situations where they might have been overwhelmed with their Korean wives. This will help you better prepare for similar moments. In addition, the testimonials will remind you afterwards that you are not alone with the possible overstrain.
  • Familiarize yourself with your Korean mail order brides language. Learn at least a few important words and phrases. Your Korean language skills don’t have to be perfect but the effort will bring you together.
  • Ask yourself what could be the biggest challenge for you and then think about how you can deal with it. This might prepare you for some possible difficulties in the future.
  • Travel as a couple. Sharing positive experiences will bring you together.
How to Meet and Date Korean Girls

Incredible Success Stories From Guys Who Married Gorgeous Korean Women

Interested in dating Korean brides? You are not alone! Every year, many men from the US and other western countries find their happiness by marrying Korean mail order brides. They can share their mail order brides stories with you. Here are some of them.

The Truth About Korean Women's Beauty Standards

Why More and More Korean Women Are Marrying Foreigner Men – Expert Opinion

The interest western men show in Asian women and Korean mail order brides, in particular, is hardly surprising. These women are seen as a kind of mystery – exotic, beautiful, and very foreign. It’s only when they get to know Korean ladies better, they understand there’s so much more about Korean brides.

Korean ladies can’t remain indifferent to the admiration the foreign brides don’t seem to find in Korean men. Korean women for marriage see western men as perfect gentlemen who know how to appreciate women who are so beautiful and sophisticated.

Both seem to find exactly what they need in each other. Western men find beautiful, caring, and affectionate partners. Korean brides find adoring spouses ready to satisfy all their needs.


Dating Korean brides might be the best experience in your life. However, it will take some effort. There are many things that can make dating brides from Korea difficult for you: distance, language, cultural differences, etc. However, if in the end, you get a loving partner for life, isn’t it worth it?


What happens if you marry a Korean?

It depends on what you want to happen. Do you want your Korean girl to come live with you in your country? Would you like to stay in Korea? Normally, if you marry a Korean, you can expect the same things you would if you marry a Korean woman from home. You decide how to build your family, where to live, how to contribute to the family budget, and many other things.

At what age do Korean girls get married?

Korean brides tend to get married later than many other Asian women. The average first marriage age in Korea is 30-31 years old. This is due to the fact that young people in South Korea prefer to receive an education and find stable, well-paying jobs before making that important step.

How can I find a South Korean wife?

The obvious answer to this question would be “go to South Korea”, of course. However, that’s not what most western men find easy to do. Traveling and spending time in the country is expensive. Thankfully, there’s a great alternative which is dating a Korean bride online. The great thing about it is that you can get to know Korean brides on a Korean dating site before meeting them face-to-face.

How much does it cost to mail order a Korean bride?

First of all, let’s be clear: you can’t literally mail order a bride from anywhere. You can date potential South Korean brides online, agree about meeting (in your country or in hers) and decide where to go from there. With plane ticket and accommodation prices, legal fees for marriage registration, and a Korean wedding, it might cost you around $20.000 on average.

Why Are Girls in South Korea So Beautiful?

There are many contributing factors that make Korean girls so beautiful. Some of these factors include good genes, a healthy diet, and a focus on skincare and beauty. Korea has always been a society that places a high value on appearance. Girls are taught from a young age to take care of their skin and look their best. This focus on beauty has resulted in some of the most beautiful women in the world.

What Are the Benefits of Marrying a Korean Woman?

There are many benefits of marrying a Korean woman. Some include that they are beautiful, loyal, and make great wives. Korean women are known for being beautiful inside and out. They take great pride in their appearance and always look their best. They also have a strong sense of loyalty to their husbands and families, and make excellent wives. They are considered to be the perfect combination of beauty, brains, and brawn. So if you're looking for a beautiful, loyal, and intelligent wife, then you should consider marrying a Korean woman.

How Do I Make a Korean Girl Fall in Love With Me?

Some tips that will help you to win a heart of Korean girl. Learn about her culture and customs. This will show that you're interested in her and want to make a good impression. Be genuine in your affection for her. Don't pretend to like things that you don't or act differently around her than you do around your other friends. Spend time getting to know her one-on-one. Girls love guys who are great listeners! Make her feel special by doing things that show how much you appreciate her. Send sweet text messages, take her on romantic dates, and tell her how lucky you feel to be with her.

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