All About Indonesian Women Dating

Updated on Jul 2023

Of all kinds of nationalities, we want to single out the nationality of the attractive Indonesian women. They will be discussed further.

In Indonesian society, women play many vital roles both in their families and in society. Family members play an important role for them. Since ancient times, they have occupied such important positions among people as a shaman, midwife, and healer. Even after these activities have fallen out of favor in the modern world, women in Indonesia are given important respect, especially in the family and economic fields.

According to traditional values, women are responsible for strengthening harmony and balance in family relationships, for the quality continuation of offspring, and for comfort. However, in a rapidly changing society, the economic role of women is increasing. It is common for Balinese women to engage in economic activities outside the home; thus, the traditional Balinese markets are filled with women doing business. And their rights are constantly expanding at the political level.

Sites to Date Indonesian Women


Top Tips on How to Impress an Indonesian Women

What does it take to make a good impression on an Indonesian sweet and independent girl?

You Must Have the Qualities of a True Leader

Girls do not set their only goal – to get married. Many Asian women are purposefully engaged in their development and achieve great success. Already in 2012, 18% of the representatives of the national parliament were women. Three Rismaharini is one example of the increase in the number of female leaders throughout Indonesia. More and more women are becoming scientists.

Indonesian Women

Take Care of Your Financial Situation

Despite all the efforts on the part of the state, which adopts laws tightening the rules for women, their financial situation has been developing recently. All the efforts of modern Indonesian girls to get an education, a good career, and a high position in society gave a positive result. Every day, the number of successful businesswomen in Indonesia is increasing from a young age.

You Need a Broad Outlook and High Intelligence

If you are seriously thinking about dating an Indonesian woman, do not lose face! It is very important to be able to maintain a conversation and understand topics such as economics and politics. As well as history and religion. These girls are not stupid and educated. They will not be interested in the evening if you cannot tell or show something new to them. They just won’t waste their time with you.

These are the important advantages that you will need in order to be successful in meeting and further relationships with Indonesians. But do not despair if you do not feel confident in any of these points. We want to encourage you, because these girls are active and smart, which means you will always get the opportunity to develop with them. And also always beside good support and friends.

Indonesian girl

Indonesian Women Profiles

Bora 29 y.o.
School teacher
Ichika 25 y.o.
Fang 21 y.o.
Xiu 25 y.o.
Min 28 y.o.
Fang 25 y.o.
Sakura 29 y.o.
Yui 28 y.o.
Himari 26 y.o.
Social worker
See more...

Pros and Cons of Emancipation of Indonesian Women

What are the advantages of such emancipation of Indonesian women, and what are the disadvantages?

  1. Better female education
  2. More professional development opportunities for women
  3. Chance to become business leaders for women
  1. Constant confrontation with the authorities
  2. Gradual drift away from women’s long-standing traditional values
  3. Desire to postpone the family creation

The Appearance of Indonesian Women

Indonesia is located in one of the most exotic places in the world, which makes it the leading tourist destination. But even without visitors, it is the most populous state on the political map. In addition, the largest Muslim country firmly holds the lead in the number of languages and dialects spoken by the local population. The brightness and diversity of this amazing Asian country are reflected in the beauty of Indonesian women. In this small review, we present the most beautiful Indonesian women, who are famous both in their own islands and far beyond their homeland.

An average Indonesian woman varies greatly in skin color and ethnic type. They can look like Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Arab, Uzbek, and even Tatar women. Such a wide range is due to the fact that the race itself has many branches, as well as the fact that from the beginning of the invention of the fleet, representatives of various countries swam to Indonesia, in particular, the Chinese, Arabs, Dutch, Portuguese, British, Japanese, and many of them remained here for a long time, and even for good.

Beautiful women from Indonesia have such different features of their appearance that it is not easy to single out the common ones among them. If you describe the appearance of these beauties, then with great confidence, you can start with their large brown eyes. Perhaps this is the first thing that catches your eye when you meet. They have short eyelashes and black hair. Most of them have a medium build and beautiful legs. It’s also gorgeous women’s hair.

beautiful women of Indonesia

Success story from Indonesian women

Success Story #1 Image
Eric 💞 Lutatia AsianMelodies logo
When Eric found Lutatia on the dating platform, he had no idea that she would be from Latin America. He had always thought his wife would be from a more traditional European country, but he decided to give Latin America a try. After all, he had never been there before.
Success Story #2 Image
Kyel 💞 Floria TheLuckyDate Asian logo
Kyel and Floria matched on a dating platform and started chatting. They hit it off right away and decided to meet up. When they finally met, they were both surprised at how good looking the other was. They went out on a few dates and everything was going great. Kyel loved how passionate Floria was about life and she loved how romantic Kyel was.
Success Story #3 Image
Xio 💞 Richard EasternHoneys logo
Richard was a successful businessman who had everything he could ever want, except for love. He had tried every traditional dating method, but he always seemed to end up with the wrong type of woman. He was about to give up hope when he decided to give online dating a try. He found a site that seemed promising and created a profile. It wasn't long before he received a message from a woman named Xio. She was beautiful, intelligent, and successful in her own right. They hit it off immediately and began dating. Within months, they were both head over heels in love. They got married and are now living happily ever after. Thanks to online dating, Richard finally found the love of his life.
Success Story #4 Image
William 💞 Min AsianMelodies logo
William had been single for a while and was growing tired of the bar scene. One night, on a whim, he decided to sign up for an online dating site. He wasn't expecting much, but he figured it would be worth a shot. He didn't have any trouble creating his profile, and he was soon bombarded with messages from interested women. One in particular caught his eye: her name was Min, and she was stunning. They began messaging each other and quickly realized they had a lot in common. They arranged to meet up for coffee, and the rest was history. They hit it off right away and have been together ever since. Thanks to that fateful meeting on an online dating site, William and Min are now happily married with two kids.
Success Story #5 Image
Brian 💞 Ji-an AsianMelodies logo
Owner of a retail chain, Brian barely had time for anything else but work. That’s because he joined an international dating service to meet Korean brides online: finding a soulmate in his area seemed almost impossible. He wasn’t specifically looking for Korean ladies but when he saw Ji-an’s photos, he knew he had to know this beautiful Korean woman. He admits that Ji-an was the sweetest, nicest person he ever knew. Very soon, he couldn’t imagine his life without talking to her and that’s when he realized he had to meet her in person! The couple had to go through many difficulties related to preparing a fiancé visa for the Korean bride and bringing Ji-an to the US. But it’s history now: they’ve been married for two years and have a cute baby son.
Success Story #6 Image
Richard 💞 Ha-yoon EasternHoneys logo
Asian culture always fascinated Richard. When he was a child, he spent a few years in South Korea with his father, a military officer. He loved the country and friendly Korean people and knew he had to go back one day. And he did - and was lucky enough to meet lovely Ha-yoon who was then a student. The couple felt special chemistry from the very first meeting and after Richard went back home, they started talking to each other via a Korean dating site and soon realized they can’t be apart! This was a life-changing decision for Richard: he decided to relocate to Korea to be with his Korean bride Ha-yoon. Richard and his life partner have been happily married for four years now and have two beautiful kids.

Facts About Indonesian Dating Culture

What can you say about meeting a girl from Indonesia and local dating culture overall>

Indonesian Girls Love Dating Foreigners

First of all, this is not a rare occurrence. After all, many tourists who have been to Bali already have the honor of being familiar with them.

Indonesian Women Are Easy to Approach

Secondly, it’s not difficult. Like most modern youth, Indonesians are sociable, cheerful, and active. Often, they themselves take the initiative in getting to know each other.

Indonesian Girls Can Be Met All Over the World

Thirdly, you must be ready to meet not only in Indonesia. Occupying an active position in their careers, Indonesians work and live all over the world.

Statistics and Facts About Indonesian Girls

There is an opinion that there are no better girls than Russian ones, but we do not agree – there are more beautiful girls in Indonesia than in Russia because the population here is twice as large. Let’s learn some interesting facts about single Indonesian ladies:

Beautiful Indonesian Women Prefer Early Marriages

Indonesian women marry early for the first time, the average age of marriage for a girl is 18-25 years. But there are exceptions, for various reasons, a girl can get married for the first time at the age of 16, and at 30, and later.

beautiful Indonesian women

Indonesian Girls Are Independent

Indonesian girls are mostly self-reliant and independent, love to communicate, and do much work, but only a small part of them receive higher education – most of them have enough school.

Indonesian Girls Expect Husband to Provide for the Family

In Indonesian culture, it is a social norm for a husband to economically provide for his wife and the entire family. This means that the husband’s earnings are expected to be given to the wife on a monthly basis and used by her for family expenses and savings. However, it is normal for women to engage in economic activities.

Indonesians Expect Small Percent If Someone Comes Over

Indonesians rarely invite someone to their home. If you are invited, then you should take a small gift with you. The presentation must be packaged. If you were given a gift, then you should not open it immediately, otherwise, the donor may think that you are a greedy person.

Indonesian Girls Fight the Human Trafficking Issue

Indonesia signed the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women in 1980 and ratified it in 1984. More than 90% of rape cases in Indonesia go unreported, with victims fearing they will be blamed. Sex trafficking in Indonesia is a problem. Indonesian and foreign women and girls were forced into prostitution in brothels and homes and subjected to physical and psychological abuse.

Indonesians Have a Dowry Practice

Dowry is rarely practiced in Indonesian culture, but bride price is practiced by some ethnic groups. For example, the wangpanai bride price in the Bugis culture. The price paid depends on the education, career, beauty, social and economic status of the bride, or the noble birth of the bride.

Therefore, when choosing an Indonesian bride for yourself, you should be prepared to match the status of her family and spend a large amount of money. In the matrilineal Minangkabau culture, the “groom’s price” payment is paid to the groom’s parents when the husband enters his newlywed wife’s house and is also dependent on the groom’s education and career.

Meet Indonesian Women

The custom is called bajapuik or uang japuik, although historically a widespread practice in Minangkabau land, today only the Pariaman people continue to practice the custom. The most common national culture is marriage gold (mas kawin) or mahar, which refers to the groom’s gift to the bride.

It may contain a sum of money or gold, sometimes due to the adoption of Islamic culture, and also include or replace symbolic religious items such as prayer equipment. Also, the well-being of an Indonesian family is usually measured by the number of children. Accordingly, the more of them, the happier and richer it is considered to be a family. Therefore, the use of contraceptives is strongly condemned and also often banned in Indonesia.

Lian photo
Lian photo
Location Tokyo
Age 25
Occupation Cosmetologist
Hobbies Anime
English level Upper Intermediate

Where Can You Meet Indonesian Women?

As we mentioned earlier, Indonesian babes can now be found all over the face of the earth. But if you are planning to visit their country, then you should pay attention to the events that are held in the cities of Indonesia.

Due to the huge diversity of ethnic groups and mixture of religions, Indonesia naturally has a huge number of cultural events taking place throughout the year. Many local holidays are no less colorful than big state events, so even in the absence of any official festivals, you can always get acquainted with many interesting folk traditions. Most often, more people come to such events than to the celebration of other public holidays. We will highlight the most visited events where you can start dating an Indonesian girl.

Meet Indonesian Girls in Indonesia During Independence Day

Independence Day (August 17) is celebrated with great pomp in every town and village, especially in Jakarta, accompanied by numerous carnivals and cultural events. It is also worth visiting colorful and vibrant events – the street fair “Jalan Jaxa” (August) and the International Cultural Performance. In Java, performances of the traditional “Ramayana ballet” are especially colorful, usually held in the open theater of the Prambanan temple complex twice a month from May to September.

Meet Indonesian Girls on Bull Races

Madura Island hosts the well-known bull races (August-September), ending with a colorful final race in Pamekasan (September). Borobudur is celebrated in honor of the Buddha’s enlightenment. Thousands of pilgrims take part in the procession from the Mendut temple to Borobudur, and at the end of the processions, dance performances and exhibitions of applied arts take place.

single Indonesian woman

Meet Indonesian Girls on the Streets of Indonesian Towns

But we should not forget that Indonesia is a hot country, and therefore, walking along the streets of the city on a summer evening, you will meet many young people.

They like to spend time on the embankments, visit cafes and just walk the streets on cool evenings. As for the girls, they are not alone on the streets of the city late at night. Usually, they walk alone or three with friends. First, it’s for safety. After all, it is known that crime in the country is kept at a high level. There are frequent cases of violence in which not only a man but also a girl can be accused if she did not follow the rules of conduct written in the law.

Meet Indonesian Girls on Online Dating Sites

And secondly, it is considered indecent to be alone with a guy. Who you don’t know much. Dating sites and apps play a big role. Choose the best dating sites, so you don’t waste your time. Where you can even have an online date, maybe it will be the best date Indonesian girls have. Indeed, in the modern world, the dating culture has a different look and format.

How Do You Tell if a Typical Indonesian Woman Likes You?

Here are some tell signs that signifies that a local lady likes you as a man and considers you to be her potential boyfriend:

  1. She introduces you to her family and friends
  2. A single Indonesian woman cooks for you
  3. She calls you
  4. A beautiful Indonesian woman expects you to visit events that are important for her
  5. She shares her problems with you
women in Indonesia

Top Pretty Indonesian Women

Many beautiful women of Indonesia are famous all over the world. They regularly take part in beauty contests, and often win prizes. Here are some of the most beautiful local ladies:

Sandra Devi

Sandra Devi is a world-famous model, TV presenter, and actress. As a teenager, Sandra entered the modeling business and signed a number of successful contracts with modeling agencies. Advertising fashion collections, she traveled a lot around the world and eventually began acting in films.

The first film “A Very Slow Breakfast”, where Sandra played a small role, was released in 2003. Then came a short break in her film career related to her studies, but today she is one of the most sought-after actresses in Indonesia in film and television.

Asyifa Lateef

Asifa became the first girl with Arab roots, who win the title of “Miss Indonesia” in 2010. Possessing a perfect figure, attractive appearance, and a charming smile, she was awarded the title of “Best Body” at Miss World.

Asifa is graduating with her dreams of becoming a professional actress and is already trying her hand at acting in commercials for popular products. Note that the girl is studying at Parahyangan University, and in the future, she will become a certified accountant.

If you want to learn more about dating an Indonesian woman, make sure to watch this video:


As you can see, Indonesian wives are very beautiful, loyal, and great for creating a family. Thus, don’t waste a minute of your time and start meeting them on the top dating sites or offline. You never know where you will meet Indonesian women.

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